Auto insurance or car insurance is for those who finance a car designed for personal use. A car loan can give you the immediate use of the car of your choice in exchange for regular payments over an agreed period. Even as GAP insurance or car insurance for cars they bought, trucks, motorcycles and other motor vehicles are known. Can provide these assurances in the form of insurance in the first part and third party liability insurance for financial protection against bodily injury and / or injuries caused by traffic collisions and also result in liability. Provides accident insurance for individual owners of the vehicle, to be able to deal with accidents and can also be affected during the ride for the passengers and report on the legal responsibility of the person who caused the accident carried by the driver to ensure. There are some general insurance companies that offer the online service of insurance for the vehicle. In India there is a legal requirement for all vehicle owners, including commercial vehicles and have a safe home for your automobiles.Factors affect car insurance
A variable influencing premiums is whether the car is new or used. In addition, the driver considers the accident of history in defining the upper plate of the insurance product to be taken. Furthermore, as the price of the car increases the special charges rose for the largest amount in case of accident to be paid.
Submission process for you
Once is to submit an accident, the driver must have a FIR with the local police station and send the signed form and a copy of the RC vehicle, a copy of the license, a copy of the FIR, copy the original estimate to use policy.
Type of auto insurance
Damage to property:
The warranty covers damage to other vehicles in an accident where the person is legally liable.
Medical care and the costs of legal defense against any accident in which the person is legally liable.
The payment of medical expenses:
Medical costs by an individual and co-passengers in accidents, regardless of whether the person was to blame.
Coverage is subject to a deductible and covers damage to your own vehicle in a collision.
Uninsured motorist coverage:
Coverage for personal injury protection of passengers and other accident with an uninsured driver
Full coverage:
In addition to accidental damage, will provide comprehensive coverage to pay for damages, subject to a deductible, theft, acts of God, fire, vandalism and collision with animals.
Different types of auto insurance in India:
Private Insurance:
The rapid growth because it required by law that all new cars will be compensated and the amount of the premium of the brand and the value of the car, the state where the vehicle is registered and the year of manufacture is determined.
Two Wheeler Insurance:
Accident insurance for the driver of the vehicle and the amount of the premium depends on the price of the actual exposure, multiplied by the depreciation rates by the Tariff Advisory Committee on the date of validity of the directive.
Commercial Vehicle Insurance:
HMVs commercial vehicles, trucks, etc., based on vehicles with commercial insurance auto insurance in India and its premium on the price of the car dealership at the beginning of the insurance period is calculated, making use of the vehicle and place of registration of the vehicle.
Provisions outside the scope of auto insurance:
Loss, depreciation, mechanical or electrical breakdown, failure or outside the geographical breakageVehicle areaWar or nuclear risks or disruptions and political instability and Drunk Driving used
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